目录 搜索 Jointech Cloud2.0 WEB User GuideLoginHomePageMonitoringMonitoringView tracksMulti-Assets trackingVideo MonitorVideo PlaybackOverviewGeofencesGeofence ManagementAsset Binding FenceGeofence Alarm RecordsToll Station ManagementToll Station RecordsGlobal PortsRoutesRoute ManagementVehicles DispatchDelivery ListSchedulingTransportation ReportAlarmsAlarm ReportADAS AlarmMessagesEvent NotificationSystem NofificationOperation LogPush RecordReportsTracks ReportTrip ReportUnlock & lock ReportSlave Sensor TracksSlave lock ReportTemp & H CurveAuthorization RecordsDriving behaviorComprehensive ReportPTO/GENSETFuel level CurveFuel ReportFuel Consumption AccountDriving RankingConfigurationsSystem ConfigAlarm ConfigEvent ConfigVideo Monitoring ConfigADAS ConfigPush configFuel Tank ConfigDevice Type ConfigDeduction Factor ConfigCommandsUnlock Password ManagementBinding Slave LockRFID cards AuthorizationGeofences Config(Device fence Control)Temp & H ConfigurationCamera Take imageSend CommandsOTA File MaintenanceOffline commandRFID card batch managementAdminPanel(Management)Company ManagementRole ManagementUser ManagementAsset(Vehicle/Container) ManagementDevice ManagementDriver ManagmentServicesVehicle MaintenanceCloud ScreenMobile Asset ScreenADAS ScreenAssets map DistributionJointech Cloud2.0 APP User GuideLoginHomePageHomePageAlarm ReportUnlock & lock ReportSlave lock unlock&lock reportEvent NotificationTemp & H CurveFuel level CurveTrip ReportParking ReportADAS AlarmDelivery ListSchedulingUnlock Password ManagementBinding Slave LockTemp & H ConfigurationVideo Monitoring ConfigDevice registrationOTA UpgradingDriving behaviorLocking and taking photos Asset(Vehicle/Container)Scan QR codeMonitoringVeiw TracksJointech Cloud2.0 Quick GuideJointech Cloud2.0 WEB Quick GuideJointech Cloud2.0 APP Quick GuideJointech MO User GuideLoginUnlock TestNetwork settingsProduct upgradeCommand operation and maintenancePersonal center 暂无相关搜索结果! 本文档使用 MinDoc 发布 Assets map Distribution The Asset distribution on the network is mainly used to view the distribution map of the device use location; as shown in the figure:文档更新时间: 2021-08-16 15:48 作者:Jeson
The Asset distribution on the network is mainly used to view the distribution map of the device use location; as shown in the figure:文档更新时间: 2021-08-16 15:48 作者:Jeson