Conventional alarms are used to count the alarm data of assets. There are currently as many as 87 types of conventional alarms. After entering, click the query and the statistics are the total number of alarms of all assets in the time period;


Click Total pages to display the detailed alarm data of all assets;

Have Read:

Click on the Have read page to display all the processed alarm details;


Click the unread page to display all unprocessed alarm details;

Alarm detail data of a single asset:

In the summary page, click on the details of a asset operation to jump to the alarm details page;

Set as read:

Check some alarm information, click Set as read, then the alarm information becomes processed, which is used for batch processing of alarm data;

Handling the alarm:

Click the processing word in the operation to enter the processing page, fill in the specific processing plan, and the processing is completed after submission;

View on map:

Used to view the alarm location or track data in the map; a single point alarm has only one point, and a continuous alarm has a starting point and an end point;


Click the export button to export the data to EXCEL for viewing, and export according to the custom displayed fields.

文档更新时间: 2021-08-24 14:42   作者:Jeson